As the times change, so does the technology we rely on. In this digital age that applies less and less to physical hardware and much more to the programs and applications we rely on daily.

Our phones are no longer a simple medium to communicate with others or browse the web. They are a lifeline for so many of us; the most important tool we own which not only keeps us on schedule, but contains our memories and most precious data, as well.

The simple truth is that those who don’t evolve alongside technology and societal changes are destined to fade into obscurity. What was once mainstream can be abandoned in an instant for a more convenient alternative. A change we’re seeing once again as we transition away from text-based inquiries in favor of voice-based searches.

What began as a simple way to access digital music as you prepare dinner, or ask about the weather has begun to change the way consumers search the web and make purchases. They’re ordering groceries through their Google Homes, requesting commonly selected goods from Amazon through Alexa, and finding a favorite new restaurant while in the car through Siri.

And for good reason, too! With voice recognition at 95% accuracy, its more convenient to speak your thoughts or questions and have them answered without ever touching your phone. It’s safer, too, as we continue to discourage drivers against the very dangerous habit of texting and driving.

As of now nearly 50% of all searches are voice-based, with supporting devices handling over 1 Billion inquiries every month! An even more impressive statistic, is that voice searches are three times more likely to return a local result than type-based searches!

It’s a change that’s inevitable; a “when”, not an “if”. And in order to remain relevant and in top search results, it’s extremely important to make sure your business is voice-search ready as this new technological revolution comes full-circle.

And the best part? You don’t have to do any of the work! At Capital District Digital it is our job to constantly research new trends and technologies that allow us to provide the best possible SEO for your business.

We pride ourselves on your success, which is why we’re so enthusiastic about aiding you all in this brand-new digital evolution.

But don’t take our word for it! Try it yourself FOR FREE!

Simply input your URL and download your free report to see how prepared your business is for voice-search capabilities.

We’re here to answer any questions you may have afterwards about how to improve your visibility and stay ahead of the game.

Capital District Digital

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